Excellent advice from personal trainer in Bicester

By Steve Claridge on 2023-03-03.

I'm a keen 5-a-side football player and I wanted to improve my game by getting fitter, stronger and faster. Rather than reading through a pile of stuff online, I thought I'd try a local personal trainer.

I liked the cut of HIIT at Home's jib so I signed up for a few 60 minute sessions. Flavia is a personal trainer in bicester and is very knowledgeable about all aspects of training and health.

I used to do a lot of running but I've stopped that since I've got back into football (the legs can't cope with both), so I wanted a fitness regime that would get my cardiovascular ability back to where it was when I was running a lot, and also to improve general strength, explosiveness and speed so I can get around the pitch quicker.

Flavia delivered on that, and more. The HIIT workouts she designed for me are perfect for getting the heart pounding, I feel that I'm getting cardio improvements in a much shorter time than when doing long runs and there's plenty of variety in the exercises so they don't get boring. I learned that you don't need to go to a gym and lift heavy weights to gain strength, there's a ton of calisthenics routines that do the job. Doing HIIT at home is easy to fit into my daily routine, so I stick with it, it's become a habit, whereas I don't think I would keep going to the gym regularly.

One other thing I learnt from Flavia is the importance of stretching and flexibility. I'm pretty much injury free these days thanks to her simple-to-follow stretching regime, turns out my legs used to be tight as hell, which caused all sorts of niggles and aches.

Glad I used my local personal trainer instead of just trying to work out things for myself, Flavia passed on a ton of knowledge and experience that has helped me improve myself no end.